LGT Bank Online Money Transfer Steps And Procedures

LGT Bank Online Money Transfer Steps And Procedures

If you want to transfer money then this article about LGT Bank Online Money Transfer Steps And Procedures is your perfect guide. In this article, you’ll see how you can transfer money to anyone with ease and the things you need to know when sending cash.


Check out How To Open LGT Bank Account Account if you would like to open an account or simply see all the Documents Needed To Open LGT Bank Account.

Requirements to transfer money online with the LGT Bank

  • An internet connection
  • A device to access the LGT Bank Internet Banking portal or the app
  • You need to be a State Bank Of India Internet Banking customer
  • Recipient’s bank account number

Checkout LGT Bank Online Money Transfer


LGT Bank Online Money Transfer Steps

1. Access the State Bank Of India online banking portal by logging in.

Visit your LGT Bank website/app. Choose “online banking.” Go through the home screen of your bank’s app and select the “online banking” option. If you do not see the words “online banking,” simply search for the “login” button.


2. After choosing select the option to transfer funds

Select the kind of transfer you wish to make: bill payments, including credit card bills and billing companies; international transfers without commission or cable costs; or local transfers.

3. Next, select one destination account by adding an account

It is the bank that is to receive the last payment order in a payment transaction.

4. Put the recipient’s bank account information in there

The amount of funds that you wish to transfer. The account number of your receiver. A payment reference, which is often your name so the recipient knows where the money came from.

5. Make sure all the information is accurate

Go over all the information have typed to make sure they are correct. In the event of any mistake, the bank has very little control over it.

6. Give the transaction your approval

After confirmation, the money will be sent using the chosen method and ought to show up in the recipient’s account appropriately.

One thing you should do is to send your funds only via FAST otherwise no other mode of payment will be accepted.


If you have any questions feel free to use the LGT Bank Customer Service Numbers to contact them or use the LGT Bank ATM And Branch Locations to visit them.
